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Determine if New Ingress Controller Entry is Necessary

A check is conducted to determine if the hostname already exists in the hostname map of the hostnameOperator (op) struct. If such an entry is not found in the map it is deemed a new ingress controller entry is necessary.

The ingress controller entry for the event is then made via the ConnectHostnameToDeployment method.

func (op *hostnameOperator) applyAddOrUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, ev ctypes.HostnameResourceEvent) error {
selectedExpose, err := locateServiceFromManifest(ctx, op.client, ev.GetLeaseID(), ev.GetServiceName(), ev.GetExternalPort())
if err != nil {
return err

leaseID := ev.GetLeaseID()

"hostname", ev.GetHostname(),
"lease", leaseID,
"service", ev.GetServiceName(),
"externalPort", ev.GetExternalPort())
entry, exists := op.hostnames[ev.GetHostname()]
if isSameLease {
shouldConnect := false

if !exists {
shouldConnect = true
op.log.Debug("hostname target is new, applying")
// Check to see if port or service name is different
if shouldConnect {
op.log.Debug("Updating ingress")
// Update or create the existing ingress
err = op.client.ConnectHostnameToDeployment(ctx, directive)