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Apply the Event/Hostname Addition

The applyEvent method - located in the same file hostname_operator.go file as the run function - matches the event type (I.e. ProviderResourceAdd). The event type was set prior via the ObserveHostnameState method.

Following the path of a new providerhost resource add as an example the matched event is then passed to the applyAddOrUpdateEvent method.

func (op *hostnameOperator) applyEvent(ctx context.Context, ev ctypes.HostnameResourceEvent) error {
op.log.Debug("apply event", "event-type", ev.GetEventType(), "hostname", ev.GetHostname())
switch ev.GetEventType() {
case ctypes.ProviderResourceAdd, ctypes.ProviderResourceUpdate:
if op.isEventIgnored(ev) {
op.log.Info("ignoring event for", "lease", ev.GetLeaseID().String())
return nil
err := op.applyAddOrUpdateEvent(ctx, ev)
