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Types Used for Custom Resource Definition

The Go structs that define the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition for the Hostname Operator are located in the pkg/apis/ directory. The Hostname Operator CRD specifically exists in the types.go file.

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Per typical Kubernetes CRD definition a ProviderHostSpec defines the schema for the Hostname Operator. And ProviderHostStatus defines the values delivered in the response to a custom resource CRUD event.

With this definition we will extend the Kubernetes API for use with the Hostname Operator. When code-generator is run against the Go struct the necessary YAML file for applying the CRD to the Kubernetes cluster will be generated and as detailed in the next section.

type ProviderHostStatus struct {
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`

type ProviderHostSpec struct {
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Provider string `json:"provider"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Dseq uint64 `json:"dseq"`
Gseq uint32 `json:"gseq"`
Oseq uint32 `json:"oseq"`
ServiceName string `json:"service_name"`
ExternalPort uint32 `json:"external_port"`