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Akash Development Environment

Follow these sequential steps to build a local Akash development environment.

Overview and Requirements


This page covers setting up development environment for both node and provider repositories. The provider repo elected as placeholder for all the scripts as it depends on the node repo. Should you already know what this guide is all about - feel free to explore examples.



Go must be installed on the machine used to initiate the code used in this guide. Both projects - Akash Node and Provider - are keeping up-to-date with major version on development branches. Both repositories are using the latest version of the Go, however only minor that has to always match.

Docker Engine

Ensure that Docker Desktop/Engine has been installed on machine that the development environment will be launched from.

Direnv Use

Install Direnv if Necessary

Direnv is used for the install process. Ensure that you have Direnv install these instructions.

Configure Environment for Direnv Use
  • Edit the ZSH shell profile with visual editor.
vi .zshrc
  • Add the following line to the profile.
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"


In the example use within this guide, repositories will be located in ~/go/src/ Create directory if it does not already exist via:

mkdir -p ~/go/src/

Clone Akash Node and Provider Repositories

NOTE - all commands in the remainder of this guide assume a current directory of ~/go/src/ stated otherwise.

cd ~/go/src/ 
git clone
git clone

Install Tools

Run following script to install all system-wide tools. Currently supported host platforms.

  • MacOS
  • Debian based OS PRs with another hosts are welcome
  • Windows is not supported
cd ~/go/src/

Development Environment General Behavior

All examples are located within _run directory. Commands are implemented as make targets.

There are three ways we use to set up the Kubernetes cluster.

  • kind
  • minukube
  • ssh

Both kind and minikube are e2e, i.e. the configuration is capable of spinning up cluster and the local host, whereas ssh expects cluster to be configured before use.


There are four configuration variants, each presented as directory within _run.

  • kube - uses kind to set up local cluster. It is widely used by e2e testing of the provider. Provider and the node run as host services. All operators run as kubernetes deployments.
  • single - uses kind to set up local cluster. Main difference is both node and provider (and all operators) are running within k8s cluster as deployments. (at some point we will merge single with kube and call it kind)
  • minikube - not in use for now
  • ssh - expects cluster to be up and running. mainly used to test sophisticated features like GPU or IP leases

The only difference between environments above is how they set up. Once running, all commands are the same.

Running through the entire runbook requires multiples terminals. Each command is marked t1-t3 to indicate a suggested terminal number.

If at any point something goes wrong and cluster needs to be run from the beginning:

cd provider/_run/<kube|single|ssh>
make kube-cluster-delete
make clean
make init


Parameters for use within the Runbooks detailed later in this guide.

NameDefault valueEffective on target(s)
  • deployment-*
  • lease-*
  • bid-*
  • send-manifest
  • deployment-*
  • lease-*
  • bid-*
  • send-manifest
  • deployment-*
  • lease-*
  • bid-*
  • send-manifest

Depends on runbook.
Refer to each runbook's Makefile to see default value.

  • kustomize-init
  • kustomize-templates
  • kustomize-set-images
  • kustomize-configure-services
  • kustomize-deploy-services

Use Runbook

Runbook Overview

NOTE - this runbook requires three simultaneous terminals

For the purpose of documentation clarity we will refer to these terminal sessions as:

  • terminal1
  • terminal2
  • terminal3

STEP 1 - Open Runbook

NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1, terminal2, and terminal3

Run this step on all three terminal sessions to ensure we are in the correct directory for later steps.

cd ~/go/src/

STEP 2 - Create and Provision Local Kind Kubernetes Cluster

NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal1 only

NOTE - this step may take several minutes to complete

make kube-cluster-setup
Possible Timed Out Waiting for the Condition Error

If the following error is encountered when running make kube-cluster-setup:

Waiting for deployment "ingress-nginx-controller" rollout to finish: 0 out of 1 new replicas have been updated...
Waiting for deployment "ingress-nginx-controller" rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
error: timed out waiting for the condition
make: *** [../ kube-setup-ingress-default] Error 1

This is an indication that the Kubernetes ingress-controller did not initialize within the default timeout period. In such cases, re-execute make kube-cluster-setup with a custom timeout period such as the example below. This step is NOT necessary if make kube-cluster-setup completed on first run with no errors encountered.

cd provider/_run/<kube|single|ssh>
make kube-cluster-delete
make clean
make init
KUBE_ROLLOUT_TIMEOUT=300 make kube-cluster-setup

STEP 3 - Start Akash Node

NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal2 only

make node-run

STEP 4 - Create an Akash Provider

NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal1 only

make provider-create
Note on Keys

Each configuration creates four keys: The keys are assigned to the targets and under normal circumstances there is no need to alter it. However, it can be done with setting KEY_NAME:

# create provider from **provider** key
make provider-create

# create provider from custom key
KEY_NAME=other make provider-create

STEP 5 - Start the Akash Provider

NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal3 only

make provider-run

STEP 6 - Create and Verify Test Deployment

NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only

Create the Deployment
  • Take note of the deplpyment ID (DSEQ) generated for use in subsequent steps
make deployment-create
Query Deployments
make query-deployments
Query Orders
  • Steps ensure that an order is created for the deployment after a short period of time
make query-orders
Query Bids
  • Step ensures the Provider services daemon bids on the test deployment
make query-bids

STEP 7 - Test Lease Creation for the Test Deployment

NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only

Create Lease
make lease-create
Query Lease
make query-leases
Ensure Provider Received Lease Create Message
  • Should see "pending" inventory in the provider status and for the test deployment
make provider-status

STEP 8 - Send Manifest

NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only

Send the Manifest to the Provider
make send-manifest
Check Status of Deployment
make provider-lease-status
Ping the Deplpyment to Ensure Liveness
 make provider-lease-ping

STEP 9 - Verify Service Status

NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only

Query Lease Status
make provider-lease-status
Fetch Pod Logs
  • Note that this will fetch the logs for all pods in the Kubernetes cluster. Filter/search for the test deployment's ID (DSEQ) for related activities.
make provider-lease-logs