Receipt of Manifest from Tenant Send to Provider
A method of name Submit
is included in provider/manifest/service.go
which accepts incoming manifest sends from the deployer/tenant to the provider. The function is initiated via an incoming HTTP post detailed subsequently.
func (s *service) Submit(ctx context.Context, did dtypes.DeploymentID, mani manifest.Manifest) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case s.mreqch <- req:
case <
return ErrNotRunning
case <
return ErrNotRunning
The Submit
method is called when a HTTP post - which contains the Akash manifest in the body - is received on an endpoint and handler written/registered in provider/gateway/rest/router.go
HTTP Endpoint
createManifestHandler(log, pclient.Manifest())).
lrouter := router.PathPrefix(leasePathPrefix).Subrouter()
Request Handler
Note the call of the Submit
method which is the provider/manifest/service.go function shown prior. The Deployment ID and manifest are sent to Submit
as received in the HTTP post from the tenant's send manifest action following lease creation with a provider.
func createManifestHandler(log log.Logger, mclient pmanifest.Client) http.HandlerFunc {
if err := mclient.Submit(subctx, requestDeploymentID(req), mani); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, manifestValidation.ErrInvalidManifest) {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)