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Manifest Manager Logic

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The newManager function calls the run method - passing in the manager struct that includes the leasech channel - which invokes a perpetual for loop to await events on various channels.

The manifest manager instance is returned to the handleLease method in service.go.

func newManager(h *service, daddr dtypes.DeploymentID) *manager {
session := h.session.ForModule("manifest-manager")



return m

The handleLease method in service.go continues and calls another handleLease method in manager.go passing in lease events received on the bus.

func (s *service) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon, isNew bool) {

manager := s.ensureManager(ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID())


The handleLease method in manager.go puts the event onto the leasech channel.

func (m *manager) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon) {
select {
case m.leasech <- ev:
case <
m.log.Error("not running: handle manifest", "lease", ev.LeaseID)

When the manifest manager run method receives an event on the leasech channel the maybeFetchData method is called and results is placed onto the runch channel.

func (m *manager) run(donech chan<- *manager) {

for {
select {
case ev := <-m.leasech:
m.log.Info("new lease", "lease", ev.LeaseID)
runch = m.maybeFetchData(ctx, runch)

The maybeFetchData method attempts to fetch deployment and lease data with associated downstream logic.

func (m *manager) maybeFetchData(ctx context.Context, runch <-chan runner.Result) <-chan runner.Result {
if runch != nil {
return runch

if !m.fetched || time.Since(m.fetchedAt) > m.config.CachedResultMaxAge {
return m.fetchData(ctx)
return runch