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Monitor Service Loop is Created to React to New Lease Won Events

Within the run function of provider/manifest/service.go an endless for loop monitors for events placed onto a channel. When a event is received for the RPC node event bus of type LeaseWon the handleLease method is called.

    for {
select {

case err := <
break loop

case ev := <-s.sub.Events():
switch ev := ev.(type) {

case event.LeaseWon:
if ev.LeaseID.GetProvider() != s.session.Provider().Address().String() {
s.session.Log().Info("lease won", "lease", ev.LeaseID)
s.handleLease(ev, true)

The handleLease method determines if a manager is active for the deployment via the ensureManager method. The manifest manager logic exists in provider/manifest/manager.go and handles the validation/application of the manifest when received from the tenant send manifest operation.

func (s *service) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon, isNew bool) {
// Only run this if configured to do so
if isNew && s.config.ManifestTimeout > time.Duration(0) {
// Create watchdog if it does not exist AND a manifest has not been received yet
if watchdog := s.watchdogs[ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID()]; watchdog == nil {
watchdog = newWatchdog(s.session,, s.watchdogch, ev.LeaseID, s.config.ManifestTimeout)
s.watchdogs[ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID()] = watchdog

manager := s.ensureManager(ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID())

New Manifest Manager instance is initiated by calling the newManager function in provider/manifest/manager.go with the service type and deployment ID (DSEQ) passed in as arguments.

func (s *service) ensureManager(did dtypes.DeploymentID) (manager *manager) {
manager = s.managers[dquery.DeploymentPath(did)]
if manager == nil {
manager = newManager(s, did)
s.managers[dquery.DeploymentPath(did)] = manager
return manager