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shouldBidCh Channel Processing

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the shouldBinCh channel, the shouldBid function - also located within provider/bidengine/order.go - processes several validations to determine if the provider should bid on the order.

        case result := <-shouldBidCh:
shouldBidCh = nil

The validations include:

  • MatchAttributes - return unable to fulfill if provider does not possess necessary attributes
  • MatchResourcesRequirements - return unable to fulfill if provider does not possess required, available resources
  • SignedBy - return attribute signature requirements not met if provider does not possess required audited attributes
    if !group.GroupSpec.MatchAttributes(o.session.Provider().Attributes) {
o.log.Debug("unable to fulfill: incompatible provider attributes")
return false, nil


// does provider have required capabilities?
if !group.GroupSpec.MatchResourcesRequirements(attr) {
o.log.Debug("unable to fulfill: incompatible attributes for resources requirements", "wanted", group.GroupSpec, "have", attr)
return false, nil
signatureRequirements := group.GroupSpec.Requirements.SignedBy
if signatureRequirements.Size() != 0 {
// Check that the signature requirements are met for each attribute
var provAttr []atypes.Provider
ownAttrs := atypes.Provider{
Owner: o.session.Provider().Owner,
Auditor: "",
Attributes: o.session.Provider().Attributes,
ok := group.GroupSpec.MatchRequirements(provAttr)
if !ok {
o.log.Debug("attribute signature requirements not met")
return false, nil

Should either MatchAttributes, MatchResourcesRequirements, or SignedBy evaluations fail to satisfy requirements, a boolean false is returned. If the result evaluates to false - meaning one of the validations does not satisfy requirements, shouldBid is set to false, the loop is exited, and a log message of decline to bid on the order is populated.

            shouldBid := result.Value().(bool)
if !shouldBid {
o.log.Debug("declined to bid")
break loop

The next step will begin the Kubernetes cluster reservation of requested resources.

While the bid process proceeds the reservation of resources in the Provider's Kubernetes cluster occurs via a call to the cluster.Reserve method. If the bid is not won the reservation will be cancelled.

If the provider is capable of satisfying all of the requirements of the order the result is placed onto the clusterch channel which provokes the next step of order processing.

            clusterch = runner.Do(metricsutils.ObserveRunner(func() runner.Result {
v := runner.NewResult(o.cluster.Reserve(o.orderID, group))
return v
}, reservationDuration))

The Reserve function called - the result of which is placed onto the clusterch channel - is called from provider.service.go.

func (s *service) Reserve(order mtypes.OrderID, resources atypes.ResourceGroup) (ctypes.Reservation, error) {
return s.inventory.reserve(order, resources)