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clusterch Channel Processing

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the clusterch channel, an analysis is made to ensure no errors were encountered during the Kubernetes cluster reservation. If not error is found a log entry of Reservation fulfilled is populated.

        case result := <-clusterch:
clusterch = nil

if result.Error() != nil {
reservationCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.FailLabel)
o.log.Error("reserving resources", "err", result.Error())
break loop

reservationCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.SuccessLabel)

o.log.Info("Reservation fulfilled")

If the Kubernetes cluster reservation for the order is successful, the result of calling the CalculatePrice method (using the order specs as input) is placed onto the pricech channel which provokes the next step of order processing.

Calling CalculatePrice provokes the logic to determine price extended thru bid response.

            pricech = runner.Do(metricsutils.ObserveRunner(func() runner.Result {
// Calculate price & bid
return runner.NewResult(o.cfg.PricingStrategy.CalculatePrice(ctx, group.GroupID.Owner, &group.GroupSpec))
}, pricingDuration))

The CalculatePrice function is located in /bidengine/pricing.go and will determine the price used in bid response to the order. The price will be dictated by the order specs - I.e. CPU/memory/storage/replicas, etc - and the Provider's pricing script which defines per specification price.

Source code reference location

func (fp scalePricing) CalculatePrice(_ context.Context, _ string, gspec *dtypes.GroupSpec) (sdk.DecCoin, error) {
// Use unlimited precision math here.
// Otherwise a correctly crafted order could create a cost of '1' given
// a possible configuration
cpuTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
memoryTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
storageTotal := make(Storage)

for k := range fp.storageScale {
storageTotal[k] = decimal.NewFromInt(0)

endpointTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
ipTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0).Add(fp.ipScale)
ipTotal = ipTotal.Mul(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(util.GetEndpointQuantityOfResourceGroup(gspec, atypes.Endpoint_LEASED_IP))))