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Blockchain Definitions Via NewApp

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When called the NewApp function creates many definitions for the blockchain including:

  • Keepers for blockchain store definitions for all modules
  • Blockchain store key values

The NewApp function returns an instance of the AkashApp struct.

func NewApp(
logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, tio io.Writer, loadLatest bool, invCheckPeriod uint, skipUpgradeHeights map[int64]bool,
homePath string, appOpts servertypes.AppOptions, options ...func(*bam.BaseApp),
) *AkashApp {

The AkashApp struct is defined as:

type AkashApp struct {
cdc *codec.LegacyAmino
appCodec codec.Codec
interfaceRegistry codectypes.InterfaceRegistry

invCheckPeriod uint

keys map[string]*sdk.KVStoreKey
tkeys map[string]*sdk.TransientStoreKey
memkeys map[string]*sdk.MemoryStoreKey

keeper struct {
acct authkeeper.AccountKeeper
authz authzkeeper.Keeper
bank bankkeeper.Keeper
cap *capabilitykeeper.Keeper
staking stakingkeeper.Keeper
slashing slashingkeeper.Keeper
mint mintkeeper.Keeper
distr distrkeeper.Keeper
gov govkeeper.Keeper
crisis crisiskeeper.Keeper
upgrade upgradekeeper.Keeper
params paramskeeper.Keeper
ibc *ibckeeper.Keeper
evidence evidencekeeper.Keeper
transfer ibctransferkeeper.Keeper

// make scoped keepers public for test purposes
scopedIBCKeeper capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper
scopedTransferKeeper capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper

// akash keepers
escrow escrowkeeper.Keeper
deployment dkeeper.IKeeper
market mkeeper.IKeeper
provider pkeeper.IKeeper
audit audit.Keeper
cert cert.Keeper
inflation inflation.Keeper

mm *module.Manager

// simulation manager
sm *module.SimulationManager

// module configurator
configurator module.Configurator